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Nutritious foods cost up to ten times more than junk food.Fruit is a main ingredient in jam while fruit juice is a main ingredient in jelly.In Colombia, people eat dried ants at the movies instead of popcorn.Pule cheese made from donkey milk can cost up to $1000 a pound.About half of all adults in America eat at least one sandwich per day.Food tastes different on an airplane than it does on the ground.In ancient Egypt, radishes were currency to pay employees.

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McDonald’s sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year.One in four hazelnuts ends up in Nutella.Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.

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Wild salmon are pink because of all the shrimp they eat.The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000.

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  • The quinine in tonic water makes it glow in the dark.
  • Ancient civilizations used chocolate as money.
  • Rhubarb grows so quickly that you can hear it.
  • Raspberries are members of the rose family.
  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were popular foods for soldiers during World War II.
  • America makes about one billion gallons of ice cream every year.
  • Every American eats an average of about 13 pounds of bananas each year.
  • Watermelons are popular gifts in China.
  • Mountain Dew contains concentrated orange juice.
  • Sweet potatoes and white potatoes are not related.
  • The first food eaten in outer space was applesauce.
  • Hot chocolate was invented in the ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures.
  • Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
  • The largest tomato ever grown weighed over eight pounds.
  • If you add sugar to a vase, it will help your flowers live longer.
  • If you have a latex allergy, you are also likely allergic to papaya.
  • There are more than 3000 varieties of pears.
  • Raw lima beans contain deadly cyanide.
  • Green beans have tiny hairs to trap bugs.
  • People have been eating pasta for thousands of years.
  • #Pink mountain dew logo mac#

  • Thomas Jefferson introduced mac and cheese to America.
  • There are almost always 10 segments in an orange slice.
  • The earliest ice cream, from the fifth century B.C., is thousands of years old.
  • Blueberries used to have the name “star berries” because of the star shape on one end.
  • Thousands of years ago, Chinese, Arab, and Egyptian people made the first lollipops.
  • Pumpkin pie dates back to the year 1623, making it about 400 years old.
  • Honey Nut Cheerios don’t include any nuts.
  • “Dorito” is a Spanish word that means “little golden things.”.
  • Astronauts planted potatoes in outer space during a trip in 2005.
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    If you eat too many carrots, your skin can turn orange.Yubari King cantaloupes can cost as much as $27,000.It can take over 400 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.Pretzels were once considered a symbol of love and often made at weddings.Even though they are different colors, all Fruit Loops are the same flavor.Crushed beetles are the main ingredient in most food dyes.American cheese is from Switzerland, not America.Carrots were originally purple, not orange.Ripe cranberries bounce like rubber balls.White chocolate does not contain any chocolate.Almost all ears of corn have 16 rows of kernels.Americans eat about 20 million hot dogs each year.French fries weren’t invented in France.Bees collect nectar in their “crop,” which is like a second stomach, and regurgitate it into the hives.It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.Here are 100 more fascinating facts that will fascinate your students! However, not very many people know that during the 16 th to 18 th centuries, part of a teacher’s salary was paid with apples! For example, most people know that sweet potatoes and yams aren’t the same thing. Get your students hooked on all the fascinating and outrageous things about the foods they eat by sharing some little-known facts. Kids love a chance to eat a snack or have a dessert.

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